Parish Sacraments

St Timothy’s encourages family participation in sacramental preparation and celebration.

Please contact the Parish early in your planning to discuss your request.


Are held the first Sunday of every month (except January) during the 9.00 a.m. Mass. In addition to the Baptism itself, the program comprises:

  • A mutually agreeable time is arranged with Mary Italiano, a volunteer Parishioner, who guides the preparation necessary for the Sacrament and accompanies you through the whole process.
  • The Sacrament of Baptism then occurs during the 9.00am Sunday morning Mass.

Please ring the Parish office on (03) 9412 8499 at least 6 weeks prior to your preferred date to ensure enough time for preparation.


Weddings are arranged in consultation with the Parish Priest. For enquiries, please ring (03) 9412 8499.

If you wish to learn more about the Sacrament of Marriage, you may also visit:

First Eucharist, First Reconciliation & Confirmation

For children attending St Timothy’s school
Preparation for these 3 Sacraments is through the school and (for First Eucharist only) through the family-based program.

For families NOT attending St Timothy’s school
Preparation for First Eucharist is through enrolment in the Parish Religious Education Classes and the First Eucharist family-based program (see table below).
Preparation for Reconciliation and Confirmation is through enrolment in sacrament specific after-school classes for one term (see table below).

Term 1 Reconciliation Gr 4 or above
Term 2 Confirmation Gr 6 or above
Term 3 First Eucharist Gr 3 or above (family-based program)
Term 2 - 3 (Apr-Oct) Parish Religious Education Classes Gr 3 or above (requirement for First Eucharist for children not attending the parish school)

Enrolments for each year should be made before the end of January for Reconciliation, and by the middle of March for Confirmation, First Eucharist and the Parish R. E. Classes. Please ring the Parish on (03) 9412 8499 to discuss your needs and obtain an Information Brochure and Application Form.

Anointing of the Sick

Mass with Anointing is held the first Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. with morning tea provided afterwards. Everyone is welcome.

For individual anointing of those who are sick please ring the Parish on (03) 9412 8499.


For details on the Sacrament of Reconciliation,  contact the parish office on (03) 9412 8499


For details on funeral arrangements, please contact the parish office on (03) 9412 8499

Psalms and readings from the Liturgy of the Hours, and Mass readings

Weekly Newsletter
