Sunday Mass Times
Saturday (Vigil) 5.00pm (with effect from January 01, 2025)
Sunday 8.30am at St Luke's the Evangelist, 46 Orchard Grove, Blackburn South
10.30am at St Timothy's Forest Hill, 17 Stevens Road Vermont Vic 3133
Weekday Mass Times
Tuesday 5:30pm -6:25pm Adoration and Reconciliation followed by 6:30pm mass
Wednesday 9:15am at St Timothy's, Forest Hill
(Note; 1st Wednesday of the Month , Mass of Healing @10am)
Thursday 9:15am at St Timothy's, Forest Hill.
Friday 9.15am (followed by the Rosary)
Saturday 9.15am (followed by the Rosary)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday 5:30-6:10pm
Saturday 9.45-10:15am & 4:30-4:50pm
or by Appointment (please contact the Parish Office)